Friday, April 2, 2010

Ap Biology Cell Respiration Lab 5 Answers

Week dév.durable "SGN - MECACHIMIE"


Week sustainable development is an unmissable and highly anticipated. Each year the Department Sustainable Development invites businesses, associations, utilities, communities and schools to promote, from 1 to 7 April, the principles of sustainable development.

For those who can ... and who are passing in the North Cotentin.

I exhibit as part of the week "Sustainable Development" of 1 to 7 April 2010 in the lobby of Building " SGN " in Equeurdreville and " MECACHIMIE " Beaumont Hague.

I welcome this initiative and thank the same time Nathan HAMEL - Communications Officer for the two institutions mentioned above who have carried out this operation.

source to consult:
  • Ouest France
  • article: 03-04-2010 - Local businesses in the hour of sustainable development - Beaumont-Hague


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