Saturday, October 3, 2009

Look Fat During Period

story competition 2009: winners (3 / 3)

And now, our new annual competition ended. Again, success was to go because we broke a new record of candidates. Must say that staffing batch was particularly exceptional this year.
Let us use the three new who have been rewarded by many voters ... while rereading the other directly on the forum: Why sulk our fun, huh, why?

Grand winner of the 2009 edition is Bombi . Congratulations to him! Happy reading!

I'm a wanker. And proud and more. Lazy lazy, lazy, worthless, lazy, whatever you want. I doing nothing and assume. Of the species homo-pionce it. I let myself do anything. I bubble I lazy, I gland. And worse, I like it. I never screwed up. A sort of career plan that so far, I've never deviated. And though the cash to follow through. Official representative of procrastinators, I dream of one thing. Being an assistant.

So I was counting on you. Strip assholes workers. And spin me some money through assedic. For sure. I hate above all the hyperactive, the nervous, excited the work, labor activists, terrorists work. Addicts. Except that. Anpe dirt, they forced me to work a few days. To ensure my benefits. History.

Farewell books, hammocks, and cinoche sleep. Swapped slippers, against an old suit. 35 hours of happiness and typical day.

9:45 firmly packed. For a fixed starting 45 minutes earlier, the race began badly. Arriving at a quiet pace, see dragging their feet. We put his business quietly, going to say a grunt by way of greeting colleagues and turns on the computer. By the time the pc starts temperamental, I decided to go for a coffee. Productivity, productivity.

10:15 Back at the office. On the way to the coffee machine, cross other senior executives, including their ordis travel at the speed of mine. Between returns on the weekend games, stories ass confidences fall on the job already.
- Right now, I'm overwhelmed me.
- like Ben, like. I see the light of day.
The die is cast.

10:25, just click on the icon email. No reaction. Second click. Still nothing.

10:29, remembers that he must double-click. Faster. The day will be long.

10:31, the head tumbling into the office. The ringworm is urgent. There is no life on weekends it?
- Specifically, do you're or what I have given 15 days ago? You're late?
- No but wait, of course. I'm on it for three days.
- you skate?
- On the contrary, I am even completely in advance.
- Ok, we hear about it tomorrow morning. Everything must be developed for the CODIR Wednesday.

10:32, inadvertently entering the office next door. J'engueule the trainee. No, but it's true, he did not always record what I need to show the boss the next day. Admonitions and threats, there is still time.

10:43, consultation the watch. Perfect, the leadership board of the newly hired assistant. Early looks happy I passed. 'm So nice she said. 'm Sure I'll do it, yeah.

11.15, ample time to take a break first. Direction of relaxation. Between the bitch and son dad rollers. While some compare their ticket restaurants like their dicks, others talk weather, their brat or unemployment. Fortunately, there are the same, which offer you a shot of whiskey in the cafe, hidden behind the copier. Productivity, productivity.

11:52 am, back at the office, to sit colleague opposite, half cow and half horse, which pulls the face continues to slip and cakes all day. Picks up the phone for news of friend of a subsidiary of the North. History to know what a bitch it was typed yesterday.

12:10 untimely second input of the head. That he would take his habits this context.
- Hey, I do not see you worked hard!
- No, but wait! the phone keeps ringing! subsidiaries are far too dependent on the seat and
... Too late. He's gone.

12.25 early departure. Lunch break.

2:22 p.m., dinner with my homie longer term. Must say that red wine stain it. Getting ready for a nap hand in the Calbut.

15:00, decides to look at my phone, which is the sixth salvo of ringtones from a good quarter of an hour.

3:01 p.m., shit, it's professional. And is a man.

3:54 p.m..
- You think?
The deep voice on the other side of ugly makes me jump. Suddenly, I realize that I look at my screen for at least twenty-five minutes. The empty mind. Eyes vague.
- Obviously, I think. I'm not bowling.
- So if it bother you, you can give me your answer on the record Machin?
-... Hey hey, you'll laugh. I have not had time to take a look.
- And when you think you do?
Oh there it is, it begins to swell to me, this bitch.
- No but wait, I'm overwhelmed me. I have a committee to prepare for Wednesday. You have no idea of the work it represents. You had to take initiative and meet yourself, shit.

3:57 p.m., time for a second coffee break. On the way, meets a new assistant and invited him for coffee. It also, I'm going to do it. Not lost that day.

4:01 p.m., other colleagues to arrive. I plant my blow these idiots. And in addition, they engage the situation.
- Phew, I'm overwhelmed me.
- Bah eh, it is not for turning thumbs eh.

4:22 p.m., in search of a manager for info. I enter the office of the above named. It is on the phone. Perfect, I sit opposite him and stares.

4:34 p.m., he hangs up. Damn, it was faster than expected. I mumbled a question and goes with the doc under the arm. Happy with my strategy.

4:52 p.m., uncontrolled entry of the bitch boss's secretary, an accountant, two computer scientists. It's disgusting, these kinds of meetings surprises. How can I effectively plan my work in these conditions?

4:53 p.m., the meeting was obviously long planned.

4:57 p.m., blah blah blah, I Pane nothing. 'm Completely dropped to the ground. Nodding occasionally. History.

5:13 p.m., all these idiots are turning toward me.
- And what does the project manager?
Holy shit, they stare at me. Damn, what is this project that I would be responsible?
DRIIIIIIING! Phew, saved. The phone is my best friend.

5:14 p.m., it is professional. The opportunity to shine. It's time to yell loud and unpack all the technical vocabulary in a vacuum. I excel. And do take the call. Enough to lose patience with disruptive earlier. They leave the office, one by one.

5:23 p.m., finally alone. The time seems ripe to go read my mail and watch videos from youtube. Without her, I'm not blue.

5:42 p.m., the third entry into force of the comb, which serves as my ass chief. Note to self: post a sign prohibits Constr. It will be turning on his heel. And my colleague opposite, the same opportunity.
- The meeting just now went well?
- Super. I master the situation. I managed to convince them ...
Too late. He's gone.

5:57 p.m., already? Storage business and off the computer. Avoid taking the elevator, forcing pass the boss's office. Four flights of stairs, it will do me like sports. What, I put my appetite to take in the pint troquet opposite.



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